Date Signed: 5/2/2023 | MARADMIN 229/23

R 021800Z MAY 23
REF/A/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20080910//
POC/R. G. MCCARTHY/COL/MMEA/TEL: 703-432-9217/EMAIL: [email protected]//
POC/C. B. MARTIN/LTCOL/MMEA-1/TEL: 703-432-9124/EMAIL: [email protected]//
POC/B. P. LODGE/MGYSGT/MMEA-1/TEL: 703-432-9125/EMAIL: [email protected]//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Purpose.  This message announces the Command Retention Mission (CRM) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024.  The following commands are assigned a CRM:
Marine Forces Command
Marine Forces Pacific
Marine Forces Reserve
Training & Education Command
I Marine Expeditionary Force
II Marine Expeditionary Force
III Marine Expeditionary Force
Marine Forces Europe/Africa
Marine Corps Logistics Command
Marine Corps Special Operations Command
1st Marine Division
2d Marine Division
3d Marine Division
1st Marine Aircraft Wing
2d Marine Aircraft Wing
3d Marine Aircraft Wing
1st Marine Logistics Group
2d Marine Logistics Group
3d Marine Logistics Group
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command
Eastern Recruiting Region
Western Recruiting Region
Marine Forces Korea
Marine Corps Installation Command – East
Marine Corps Installation Command – West
Marine Corps Installation Command – Pacific
Marine Corps Installation Command – National Capital Region
1.a.  Although only these commands are directly missioned by the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), the Service headquarters and leaders at all levels are critical in influencing the retention of the best and most qualified Marines to sustain the Marine Corps' warfighting capabilities.
2.  Background.
2.a.  Reference B remains the base document for the FY 2024 Retention Campaign.  The CRM is a program designed to leverage the Fleet Marine Force (FMF) and Supporting Establishment (SE) partnership to form a cohesive approach to meeting the Service's retention mission.  The FY 2024 CRM implements lessons learned and builds off the success of prior years’ programs to synchronize the execution of this critical mission.  The CMC’s intent outlined in Talent Management 2030 (TM2030) demands that commanders apply unrelenting attention to sustaining our force by retaining the best and most qualified Marines.  Accordingly, the FY 2024 CRM is assigned to focus that effort and to meet boatspace requirements in both the First Term Alignment Plan (FTAP) and Subsequent Term Alignment Plan (STAP) cohorts.
2.b.  Leaders at every level share responsibility for Marine Corps retention efforts.  Identifying talented Marines and encouraging them to reenlist is essential to achieving retention success.  The mission assigned to each aforementioned command is based upon the starting eligible FTAP and STAP population in each command by Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS).
3.  The assigned mission for FY 2024 will be released via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS) and will be available on the Manpower & Reserve Affairs website at https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/webcenter/portal/ER/MMEA-1.
4.  Coordinating Instructions.
4.a.  The missions assigned to each command are linked to the execution of reenlistments and are only considered fulfilled once each Marine accepts their new contract.  These missions supersede any previous missions, quotas, or targets issued at the local or unit level.  The assigned CRM is considered the minimum requirement; commands across the Service must continue retention efforts throughout the entire FY 2024 retention season.  Commanders are responsible for identifying qualified Marines and encouraging them to submit for reenlistment or lateral move to continue their Marine Corps service.
4.b.  The FY 2024 CRM is split into two efforts, by-PMOS and aggregate.  Manpower Management Enlisted Assignments (CMC (MMEA)) assigns the mission to each command based on units’ eligible FTAP and STAP population.  To that end, the initial FY 2024 eligible cohort roster was provided to the FMF and SE on 3 April 2023 to validate reenlistment eligibility status prior to the assignment of the CRM.  This collaboration resulted in a mutually refined FY 2024 CRM.  The final CRM incorporates FMF and SE input regarding each command’s eligible population.
4.b.1.  The assigned by-PMOS mission identifies the FTAP and STAP PMOSs that are historically the most challenging for retention.  The mission will reflect a proportional share of the boatspaces aligned with the eligible PMOS population within each command.  For example, if Command “A” has 20 percent of the eligible 0311 Marines assigned to that command, then Command “A’s” mission will be to fill 20 percent of the available boatspaces.
4.b.2.  The aggregate mission is based on the overall retention goal and the commands’ eligible populations.  For FY 2024, the Service must reenlist 36 percent of the eligible FTAP and 69 percent of the eligible STAP populations to meet end-strength requirements.
4.b.3.  All FY 2024 Marines who reenlisted early or who reenlist during the FY 2024 Retention Campaign will count towards the CRM.
4.c.  Marines who execute a lateral move in conjunction with reenlistment will count as a reenlistment in the PMOS they lateral move into.  Marines interested in a lateral move are encouraged to speak with their Unit Career Planner.  Commanders are encouraged to develop a robust lateral move strategy.  Marines who execute a lateral move into an MOS not listed in the by-PMOS mission will count towards the aggregate mission.
4.d.  Only Marines with an Expiration of Current Contract (ECC) between 1 October 2023 and 30 September 2024 will count towards the FY 2024 CRM.
4.e.  The Service's goal is to fill every boatspace for each FTAP and STAP PMOS with the highest quality Marine.  In some cases, the total assigned mission across all commands may exceed the authorized boatspace requirement for a PMOS.  However, as each PMOS reaches 100 percent execution of the available boatspaces, all commands will be relieved of their mission for that PMOS whether they achieved their originally assigned mission or not.
4.f.  Reenlistment credit for purposes of the CRM will be applied to the command where the Marine is assigned upon execution of the reenlistment.  Missions may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis to account for Marines who change commands and subsequently reenlist.
4.g.  The CRM is an addition to reference B; all authorities and requirements remain the same.  Contact your Unit Career Planner for reenlistment and lateral move eligibility.
5.  Special Recognition.
5a.  Lateral Move.  Filling formations with Marines in understaffed PMOSs is imperative to the various mission sets of Force Design 2030.  Commands who develop the most robust lateral move programs and produce the highest percentage of lateral moves will receive special recognition.  Examples of understaffed PMOSs include but are not limited to 0211, 0241, 0321, 0372, 2336, 5821, and 7316.
5.b.  Direct Affiliation Program (DAP).  The focus of the FY 2024 CRM is active component retention; however, per reference A, commanders must ensure Marines are apprised of the benefits of joining the Selected Marine Corps Reserve.
5.b.1.  Marines who do not intend to continue active service should be referred to the DAP via a Prior Service Recruiter or Regional DAP Coordinator to explore further service opportunities in the reserve component.
5.b.2.  Commands with the highest DAP execution percentage after completing the FY 2024 Retention Campaign will receive special recognition for contributing to total force retention.
6.  Timeline.
6.a.  The CRM is effective from 1 June 2023 to 30 September 2024.
6.b.  Subsequent updates to the CRM will be released as applicable.
7.  This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
8.  This MARADMIN cancels on 30 September 2024.
9.  Release authorized by MajGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//