Date Signed: 9/2/2020 | MARADMIN 505/20
R 021915Z SEP 20
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This is a Manpower and Reserve Affairs calling message announcing the replacement of Proficiency and Conduct (PRO/CON) marks and Composite Score with the implementation of the Junior Enlisted Performance Evaluation System (JEPES) in CY 2021.
2. Beginning in CY 2021, JEPES will be the means by which Marines in the ranks of Private through Corporal are evaluated and recommended for promotion to the next higher grade. The information provided by JEPES will be readily accessible to the individual Marine, the Marine’s chain of command, career planners, and Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) in order to ensure the best, most qualified Marines are promoted and retained.
3. Key Differences Between PRO/CON and Composite Score and JEPES.
3.a. PES Score. Marines will receive a monthly Performance Evaluation System (PES) Score which is a composite of four equally weighted categories: Warfighting (Rifle and MCMAP), Physical Toughness (PFT/CFT), Mental Agility (PME and Self-Education), and Command Input (Subjective marks in the areas of Character, Mission Accomplishment, and Leadership). This will replace the Composite Score for promotions to the ranks of Corporal and Sergeant.
3.b. Command Input Marks. Commands will evaluate Marines in the areas of Individual Character, MOS &/or Mission Accomplishment, and Leadership utilizing a scale from 0.0 to 5.0. Whereas an “average” Marine under the PRO/CON system was 4.0 to 4.4, the equivalent in JEPES is a Marine who “meets expectations” and is marked 2.0 to 3.0.
3.c. Transparency. Marines and their leadership will be able to see how an individual Marine compares against peers within rank and MOS for each element of the objective categories (Warfighting, Physical Toughness, and Mental Agility). For example, a Corporal 0811 with a current rifle score is in the 85th percentile of peers of the same rank and MOS, meaning that the Marine’s score is higher than 85% of Corporals who are 0811s.
3.d. Reporting Chains. Each Marine will have an established reporting chain that is managed by the chain of command in JEPES in order to ensure all Marines receive evaluations in accordance with policy.
3.e. Promotion Recommendations. As required, “NOT RECS” for all ranks will be conducted with each evaluation and be in effect until the next occasion or when lifted by the commander.
4. Transition Plan. Initial problem framing for the creation of JEPES began in January of 2018. Software development began in January of 2020 and is currently ongoing. The transition from the current PRO/CON and composite score to JEPES will occur over four phases:
4.a. Phase I: Software Development (Jan-Aug 2020): In Progress.
4.b. Phase II: Testing (Aug-Oct 2020): JEPES prototype will be tested and refined utilizing select Marine units. Feedback from testing will help refine JEPES.
4.c. Phase III: Fleet Education and Transition (Sep-Dec 2020): JEPES policy and instructional materials released to the fleet. Informational briefs will be available through virtual means and/or during an upcoming MMRP roadshow.
4.d. Phase IV: Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Release (Jan-Feb 2021): The last annual and semi-annual PRO/CON marks will occur 31 December 2020 and 31 January 2021. JEPES will be released in Marine Online (MOL) on 1 February 2021 and be used for junior enlisted performance evaluations and promotions thereafter.
5. Coordinating Instructions.
5.a. Lance Corporals and Corporals with historical PRO/CONs on 1 February 2021 will have their average-in-grade marks undergo a one-time conversion to the JEPES scale in order to produce a comparable PES score computation.
5.b. JEPES educational resources will be available on the “Performance Tab” of MOL beginning 1 September 2020.
6. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force.
7. Release authorized by LtGen David A. Ottignon, Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.//